Ending the Worst Forms of Child Laboure in Mica Mining of Bihar and Jharkhand


Amount to build resilience and promote dialogues to end the worst forms of child labour in Bihar and Jharkhand.


By the end of the project, children and communities in four districts of Bihar and Jharkhand will be able to voice their needs and concerns to end the worst forms of child labour.

Operational Area ->




2,400 working children in 60 villages in four districts have access to quality education.

Children and young people are involved in the local political structures in Bihar and Jharkhand. Their rights and needs are heard and taken into account.

700 families involved in mica mining have alternative sources of income that make them less dependent on mica.

A multi-stakeholder platform from the local (district level) to the international level to combat child labour with increasing participation of children in policy- making processes has been established.