Former National Convenors
About Organization :
SICHREM is the acronym for South India Cell for Human Rights Education and Monitoring. Concerned citizens, who were involved with the civil liberties movement earlier, started SICHREM in 1995, as a response to the growing insensitivity to the rule of law. The founders reconed that to address this need for building a responsible civil society would be through a process of education, sensitization and intervention. Hence education and monitoring have been identified as the main thrust of the program.
SICHREM seeks to empower the disempowered groups of dalits, tribals, women, children and minorities to protect their individual and collective rights for a dignified life, through education, monitoring and mobilising civil society for concerted action.
- Prevention of Human Rights Violations
- Promotion of Human Rights Culture
- Restoration of Human Rights
Former National Convener : Mr Mathews Phillips
Head of the Organization: Mr Mathews Phillips
Address: I/F, Anjanappa Complex, 35, Hennur Main Road, Lingarajapuram, St.Thomas Town Post,Bangalore- 560084
Telephone: +91-80-25473922/ 25804072-73
- Advocacy for Human Rights
- Campaigning for Human Rights
- Human Rights Education & Training
- Resource Mobilization to support Human Rights
- Support & Solidarity for Human Rights Defenders & NGOs
To empower the disempowered groups of dalits, tribals, women, children and minorities to protect their individual and collective rights for a dignified life through, education, monitoring, and mobilizing civil society for concerted action. SICHREM vision is to create a society free from fear, where the rights of the last and the least will be respected without any kind of bias. Towards this end, SICHREM hopes ‘to make Human Rights a household concept’ by adopting a proactive stance on the restoration of rights and by advocating a rights-based value system.